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Japan Vs. Korea

Ok, so everybody knows how bad the relationship between Korea and Japan is these days. They are growling to each other, first, by japan not selling items for semiconductors to Korea, then Korea started the"NO Japan" thing. Recently, despite U.S's warning, Korea stopped GSOMIA. This matters because this is what kept Japan safe from North Korea's missiles reaching Japan.

So anyway, I was suddenly curious about who would win the war when a war occured between Japan and Korea. Let's simulate how the war would go on.

Korea's military forces are currently 7th in the ranking, with Japan on the 6th. But Japan doesn't have a proper army, nor can they predecess. So, Korea's 70 % of the army, which is world's 3rd best in the world, will be able to land in the Japan land itself. That's because most of the Japan's ships were supported by the U.S. and doesn't have enough ships themselves without U.S.'s support. Japan doesn't have any Long-range missiles, but we have a ton, which will be fired from Busan and reach Japan. Also, our torpedos are the best in the world, which makes an easier fight for us since we can fire missiles and torpedos from Korea, which will destroy Japan's ships and weapons. To prove this , during rim pack(a cosmopolitan military practice), Korea was the only country to sink U.S 's nuclear submarine and japan's Aegis. And of course, our air force, which has more fighter planes tham japan, will win overwhelmingly. America, who is friendly with both countries, won't touch a thing while the war. They will sell weapons to both countries, and watch North Korea over for any move of attack.

The actual result, against many people's expectations, is that Korea win the war. But, even though the relationship between Korea and Japan is getting worse, a war isn't likely to occur. But if it does, I hope there aren't many casualties,death,and--- the victory of Japan.

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