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A kid was having an entertaining time texting with people, until an embarrassing picture came up,a picture of that child. This is called cyberbullying, and it has become a concern for most parents.

KakaoTalk, the messaging all has the ability to upload pictures like SNS. But because if this, it holds many problems. On news, there was a report of a person cyber bullying a child on this app. This picture, according to the news, had been shared to many people and the person that was in that picture shared the thoughts after. “ Gloomy, shamed, suicide” All negative thoughts were said and a ”normal“ messaging app had almost led to a person suicide.

Another problem is it holds inappropriate content or words. Curse or bad words have been added to emojis on KakaoTalk and more have been concerned because of this, especially parents. The kids everyday learn bad words or phrases that can be non friendly at a certain age, or only even for grown ups. In addition, non friendly games are also added. Kids who are still young tend to download the inappropriate/ violent games and ruin its childhood. The KakaoTalk app has been tried to be band in Most public schools until this day because of these severe problems.

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