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Keyboard shortcuts

There are many keyboard shortcuts useful to your computers. Now this is mainly used in chrome. So some laptops like the Chromebook has more shortcuts than others. These shortcuts can be used in many different ways. some are probably just for fun. Anyways I'll tell you about these today.

CTRL+W: This is one of the shortcuts that I find useful. This erases one tab automatically. Add a shift to this recipe and you will find that a whole page disapears.

CTRL+T: This one is very useful too. This doesn't erase but actually makes a new tab. And the next one is cool. Add a shift to the recipe and you will find that your most recently erased tab is back.

CTRL+N: This makes a whole new page. Add a shift to this and you will get a incognito page.

Ctrl+H: This opens google history and google history shows every activity on google execpt when you use the incognito tab. THis has no extra SHIFT shenanigan.

Now these are the easiest to do. Maybe next time I'll post about chromebook shortcuts. BYE!!

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