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kids makeup is harmful?

Hi guys!! Lena here! While I was in America, I found out that kidskin my class started wearing makeup..... KIDS MAKEUP! I thought it was so cool so I wanted to try it out. I was about 8 back then but before I got the kids makeup, I was invited to a kids makeup birthday party! However the bad thing was, I never knew that it was bad back then. I put on all the makeup like I was some kind of princess. I still do makeup now ( I know I shouldn't) just like all my other friends do. Any way back to my story. When I came back home, I erased the makeup and oh no.... There were Red dots all over and pimple on my face everywhere! It was so itchy and I was screaming and all along... I found out that "Kids makeup" Was made out of chalk... YES! The Chalk you use on the school black board!!! They literally crush chalk up and even put more bad chemicals. This might sound hard to believe, but I honestly think that grownup makeup might be better than this!

I still can't believe that they still make kids makeup and actually sell it to just earn money and ruin kids skin! Why would you buy kids makeup when you can just smudge chalk on your face? The worst thing is, It makes kids ADDICTED to make up.

To Addition, Kids make up is bit harmful, at least it makes kids happy... ( IN A EVIL WAY!)

This might sound crazy but sometimes I wear very bright pink lipgloss to school, and it looks like lipstick! But luckily, my teacher isn't too strict about that.

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