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Max crumbly (written by the author of dork diaries)!!

Hello, everyone! The river is back ^.^!! Today, l will write a post about a book named <Max Crumbly>, which l think most of you would like very much!

***For some Dork diaries(this is an another novel) lovers, this is written by the same author! Check it out!!***

This is about a middle school boy called Max Crumbly, which is--a---FULL of imagination. He tried to make a superpower potion and...*KABOOM!!*

He says:Been there,done that,got the T-shirt!! (Was he trying to say something like Caesar's veni vidi vici[ i came, i saw, i conquered]??)

Later at school, Max meets,um,an UNUSUALLY mean guy who tries to trap Max into his locker(WHY?!?) However, this does not make the story gloomy! Actually, this is mainly about the adventure Max takes because of this locker-trapping boy who trapped him in the locker AGAIN and school ENDED. As he tries to escape the school, he finds out that THIEVES are in the school!! To catch them, he works with his computer-genius partner,Erin(Little bit of romance here!^^). SO WHAT will happen next?!!? according to what l know, it only came out until #3. we need to wait for the next one! TAT

Still, this is a very fun and exciting book. i recommend you guys to read this!!

BYE! :-)

*AAAAH!! I am late!!!!*

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