Hey guys!!! Did you have a marvelastic day?????????? Ok, even though I post about Marvel EVERY SINGLE TIME, I'm gonna have a VERY SHORT break (Because I am gonna post about marvel memes this time, too).
Today, a blog post about MIldliners will be posted for H.W. Mildliners are highlighters, but with REALLY GOOD QUALITY. Mildliners are made in Japan. Japan is very well known for a country of pens, right??!!!!! So, of course this highlighter is from Japan, DUH!! So, I will make a quick explanation of this highlighter, and move on to the review of my own.
Well, usually, there are 4 packs, cool colors, new colors, fluorescent colors, and warm colors. However, if this is too expensive, there are shops that sells this highlighter individually, so never worry! Now, the real color. Actually, daiso's "Vintage" highlighters and "Mild" highlighters are all from Mildliner!! The highlighters were copied from Mildliner!!!! Wow, Daiso's a CHEATER!!!!!
These are the Daiso highlighters. It's same!!! Ok, let's calm down a bit, and move on to the explanation of each packs.
These are the fluorescent colors. These are very mild, and really light, so its a little hard to see. That is the flaw of the fluorescent pack. Also, it is very milky. These milky liners are considered as "Great" to some people, and not to other people.
These are the warm colors. It is very bright and dark. The colors are both light AND heavy. Smoke blue, purple, and gold is light, but vermillion and brown is heavy. These colors are warm, as you feel.
These are the cool colors. Cool colors are basically considered as blue, and green, so that is why it is called "Cool" colors, in my thoughts......
These are new colors. There are yellow, appricot, coral pink, blue, and dark gray. Ummm, the reason why they are called "New" colors--I dunno.
Ok, this is the end of the explanation, and let's start the review. The new colors pack was my best pack. Why? Because those colors are dark but also very light and bright. So, appricot and the blue color is the color I loved. Well, mildliners are overall really good, and I like the quality of this highlighter. BB!!!
Picture source: http://mylifeinabullet.com/zebra-mildliners-review/
@David the meme destroyer
What?????? That doesn't make sense DAVID!!!!
While watching those pictures, I almost fell asleep. So mild
Yeah, that is TOTALLY true I kinda laughed posting this blog..... Because people are out there saying "Don't buy Japan stuff!!" but then I am saying "Hey guys buy Mildliner from Japan!!".... LOL In buses of Seoul there is this thing on the wall of the bus "Don't buy Japan things! Don't go to Japan!" LOL!!!!!
Sad fact = Japan vs. Korea right now.
Buying mildliners =
kids come rushing to crush u DOWN