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I'm living in a trash pile!!! OMG!!

OK. So, what IS a metaphor that isn't a simile?! Anyways, I hope this is the right one.

Let's start!! IBI

Books all over the place, lots and lots of pens in the floor, sometimes, and a desk always FULL of things on it. This is honestly a room full of TRASH!! TAT!!

Well, I not like THIS dirty usually, but, sometimes, I seriouly DO.

Homework after homework, as I do one by one, the books in the desk keeps falling down because there is one whole pile of it... A large pencil case gets the space and there are lots of post-its and memos that I should remember all over the world map right on the top of my desk. Once again, TAT!!!

Piles and Plies of my toys are on the ...(I don't know what this is)

Anyways, 6 bagpacks and 1 piano that I don't play, and books ,books and books.


I really hope that I can make my room clean again.

My room, perhaps like a room with cow poop and trash all over the place, is really my room,,,, TAT

Well, now finally I cleaned and tidy up my room!!!!!! IBI


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It felt like reading a poem! LOL

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