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My Experience On The First Class In 5th Grade!

Helloooo everybody! I am Len and today I am going to talk about my experience on the first class of school. You guys probably don't know but in America, there schools are the best... I mean private school. Almost no schools wear uniforms and the teachers are nicer then any of your parents. Like Sarah showed that her teacher said " Hello" in a angel voice and then started to get strict but in America, you can't even imagine any teachers being strict. They always have an angel voice no matter what and if you do something troublesome, nothing happens. To be honest, the teachers are too nice to even be teachers... But I still love it!

I Love school in America but Korea is a nightmare! Our teacher hits us on the back and screams loud enough to make my ears bleed.... And the worst thing is Korea thinks its okay! My teacher always shouts at me but those shouts always end up into a misunderstanding. I really hate it! Our teacher is just as scary as a monster and no offense but not the prettiest one either. She screams at me for itty bitty reasons.

Like today, we had computer time, and we are suppose to go into this program and practice keyboard typing. But she told us we had to make the program in big mode which means it has to fit the screen of the computer. But the problem was I didn't have the Icon that made the tab fit into my computer full screen. Then our teacher got mad.... because of this little thing! She screamed at me for not making the tab fit in my computer screen fully but I thought that didn't matter. She said I was a trouble maker and someone who wasn't focused enough. She started screeeeaaaaming at me, and literally pushed me out of the chair I was sitting on! She tried to show me how to make it fit in my full screen but she couldn't find out how to do it because there was no icon! Her face turned red and she looked embarrassed. I thought she deserved what she deserved. She said sorry to me really quietly and I felt like tearing up. I wonder who hired her to be a teacher because she is sooo rude!

As you can see, my life is doomed and my friend is in the same class as me and he told me ( Yes its a" He ") that he hates our teacher so much. Im not the only one who is getting screamed at. I really want to just transport to another school!!

Thanks for reading!

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