My favorite book is the Harry Potter series. I love the Harry Potter series because it is really fun. I just love reading fantasy, and Harry Potter is woven with wild imagination. It is sometimes sort of crazy too, of course, but that is what it makes it fun. To my opinion, the funniest part was when Draco Malfoy was slugged in the face by Hermione Granger. Also, I totally loved the part when Harry Potter said to Dobby, "Never try to save my life again." because he nearly killed Harry trying to save his life. For example, he unleashed a cursed bludger to Harry so he would get injured and go home. And the bludger did hit him, and a self-centered professor "fixed" Harry's arm. But... He actually made all the bones gone, not fix the broken bones! I laughed when I saw the movie. It was hilarious! My favorite book of the series was book four, the Goblet of Fire. I liked it because it was about the Triwizarard competition, and the missions were really fun and exciting. Also, it had a unexpected twist on the end of the book. That was the thing that made the climax, after all, and Harry Potter, for my opinion, has a lot of climaxes. Do you know why? It has so many exiting events and twists, so one book has, I don't know, more than 2 per one book, I guess. So, I told you about Harry Potter. If you didn't try it, try it. I promise, it is so fun. If you don't like it, read the Hunger Games. That's slightly more violent. :D~
Uhh... How do you know even though you didn't read it? @.@????
Of course, Harry Potter series are great!! (Even thougth I never read it)