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My love, Kakao friends!♡.♡(by Nile)

Updated: Jan 17, 2019

Hello guys! Today l will write about kakao friends, which l adore(♡.♡). Kakao friends are characters that are made by a person called HOZO. There are 8 characters total(Muzi,Con,Neo,Frodo,Tube,Jay-G,Ryan,Apeach) and as all of you know, they are famous around the world. Many people, including my mom, has kakao friends emoticons to use in kakao talk.

I would like to introduce some characters with funny background informations. The first one l want to introduce is the newest character, Ryan. Like you can see in his name, he is a lion. He IS male, he is just maneless and it is his big and only complex. A maneless male lion! I thought he was a bear..(Hahahaha>.<) Also, Muzi looks like a rabbit since she(or he? Is Muzi a girl or not!?)wears a white rabbit costume, but actually Muzi is a pickled radish! I was really surprised when l heard this.

My favorie charater of all is Apeach. It is a pink peach character, and l like it a lorpt because of its small body and cute face. I wanna have a huge-pink-apeach-face-bed that is so cozy and sleep on it. :)

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