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My new hobby: loom knitting

Hello everyone! Lately, I have been hooked on loom knitting. I think that it is very easy to do and relaxing and fun. Everyone will like it. I'm not good at it yet. I have a small loom so all I can make currently is little hats to put on my dolls. I think that most would enjoy loom knitting. It isn't hard in any way. When it comes to knitting, i usually think of these two types of knitting. Either knitting with knitting needles or loom knitting. I'll tell you about the reason why i like loom knitting.

Everybody will fall in love with knitting if they simply know how to. But most think knitting is hard. However, it's simple. I tried knitting with knitting needles, and it was hard and I gave up on the first stitch. But when I tried loom knitting, I thought it would be equally hard, but surprisingly, it was fairly easy. I think more would enjoy loom knitting than knitting needle knitting. However, there is one part where loom knitting is bad. It needs a LOT of time. Well, I guess this is essential for any type of activity, but it is also simply a con of everything.

I hope you guys can try loom knitting sometime! Bye~

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I can do knitting, too!

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