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My recent favorite songs!! 🎶 (Top 2)

2. Ariana Grande - Santa tell me

Many people likes Ariana Grande's songs, and I like 'Santa tell me' the most.

So, I think Sarah and Alice likes 'Break up with your girlfriend - I'm bored', but I thought it was k-inda supid because (This is ONLY my opinion) why DO you break up with your girlfriend?! Well, after I knew the lyrics, I understand, but then, I don't really like the tempo because I like fun(?) songs. I like girl-crush+fun, which is like Taylor Swift's Blank Space. That is the main reason why I like Santa tell me. I like love songs, too. However, I don't want the lov songs to be too serious. I thought Santa tell me in the album 'Christmas Kisses', was great because the lyrics was super duper good and all that kinda thing.... Okay.

You know what?! I didn't know that Ariana Grande was THIS pretty!!! 😍

I was like 'OMG She is so beautiful'.

1. Katy Perry - Roar

Now the TOP 1!!!!

I like the Roar of Katy Perry's song because of many reason.

I guess you all know why I really like this song. As I said, Girl Crush+Fun(?) is my favorite and this is the kind of song that I was looking for!!! Actually, I never knew Katy Perry. I knew her name and that she is a singer, and then I saw her in the Guiness World Records for most followers. You know what? I thought she'd be beautiful like she was in the Roar music video. I never even saw the music video, 'cause my mom really hates me watching music videos. I have no idea why... Anyways, but you know what you can see the picture of the video, so I saw that and thought she would be pretty. No way! She wasn't like the 'Ariana Grande' style of prettiness. I was shocked..... She is still pretty, as you can see on the roar picture!! 🤩

I really L-O-V-E the song roar because one more surprise, I thought Katy Perry's voice would be like 'Ariana Grande' kinda style(One more Ariana Grande LOL). I heard the Roar song I got shocked one more time. She was the opposite of what I had thought she would be.

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