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Writer's pictureKT Telecom

My Typing Skills

Hello everyone, it is KT telecom, and I am here to tell you about my typing skills. To tell the answer, my typing skill was horrible!!!! Some people might know that fact, but .... Anyways I will introduce the time I first TYPED on the computer.

It was in D t's class in 4th grade ,and he asked us to type a blog!!! At that time I ONLY used the computer search or see youtube. I could do that with 'eagle typing'. It is short!! But not a blog. I asked my dad for help, and he refused to help...... I was sooooooo frustrated and worried I almost cried!!!! I was in my room quiet ripping papers. After I got calm and relaxed like a baby, I tiptoed into the computer room. Then I asked dad formally to help me. (Though I was quiet, there was fi~re inside my head....) This time he said, " It is good to use normal typing". That was it. Me typing would take 1hour to complete a A4 page....... With my lips down, I started typing. A hour seemed like days. My hands , eyes , and neck hurt. I did not like playing the piano, but my hands felt that it was simmilar . That was the first time I envied kids with good typing skills. I was worried about time since it was the night before PEAI. My heartbeat rushed and I was in panic. Near midnight, I finally finished the work. Eyes red, I went to bed.

I learned that I should be a fast typer. There were many more chances(?) to type papers and it went always like my first typing experience..... I began to hesitate typing. I went up to 5th grade, and was surprised by the fact that I HAVE TO write a 200 word blog.

Now I am kinda used to typing even though I am still bad. Not horrible!!! Thank you for reading my post. My hands hurt (I feel like I am playing the piano), so bye~~~~ I will come back next week with a more exciting story.

P.S. D t is David Teacher

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Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Mar 07, 2019

LOL!! That's ok! I was terible too! But now I'm pretty fast, just like how u can become!

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