Netflix is a very popular app like youtube. You can see TV shows, movies, and original TV programs. Because Americans made Netflix, most of the TV programs are from American TVs. However, in Netflix Korea, you can also see Korean TV programs, too. We don't have to pay money to see these programs/movies/TV shows, but you need to pay money to subscribe Netflix. You cannot watch any of these programs/TV shows/movies if you do not subscribe, so you just basically need to pay money. Now, let me give you some recommendations of TV shows in Netflix.
1. Grey's anatomy
This TV show is about doctors - it is a medical drama. Grey's Anatomy was first released on 2005, but it is still planning to have even more seasons - they are planning to have 17 seasons (Right now, it is season 16).
2. Stranger things
I think this is the most popular TV series in Netflix - It is obviously a lot of children facing some strange things and solving those.
3. Anne with an E
This TV show is based on the story Anne of green gables. This TV show is pretty pure and cute :)
4. The Bletchley circle
This TV show is about 4 detectives solving a mystery!
5. The good place
This TV show is a sitcom and this TV show is about a girl living an afterlife! (P.S. Kristen Bell (Anna of Frozen) is starring this TV show!!!)
So, be sure to watch these awesome TV show if you are planning to subscribe Netflix/If you already subscribed Netflix.
Please write ur favorite Netflix TV show/Movies of Netflix in the comment sections!!!
I personally recommend:
Alexa and Katie
NO good nick
and Mean girls...
obviously........ TITANIC