There are many many famous youtubers around the net. Some are less famous then others while others are really really famous. An youtuber is an hard career path to follow. Many hardships will come at you. But if you start to succeed, You will get famous very fast. And one of the best exemplary youtuber is pewdiepie. Pewdiepie is currently the youtuber with the most subscribers. But, pewdiepie was once small too. He first, did a lot of different games. But these basically got him too nowhere. Then he started to play minecraft. This choice was probably a choice of his life. When he started playing this game, he succeeded right away. So he decided this was the way for him to go. He kept putting up minecraft videos, And his account just got bigger and bigger. And all this got him to the highest youtuber and probably the highest earning one too. So basically this shows that YouTube is basically needed of hard effort and also the good and right content for you. On this note, peace out.

This is a graph of pewdiepie's subscribers. See when the graph started spiking up? That's when he started playing minecraft. OK guys, really peace out:)