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Poisonous animals


Do you know a lot of animals with poison. You may not know much or you might know a lot. I will introduce you to a few animals that have poison. There are a lot of things with poison but I can't find them all. The first one is the duck billed platupus and it has a spur on each hind leg. Only the males have it but the poison is quite strong. It is enough to kill a dog. The poison is not strong enough to kill a person. The second thing is the hornet and it is very big and you might have seen one somewhere near the woods and bushes. The hornet are very bad and some can kill you and you will see your faith. I saw a hornet yesterday and it was so scary it came out in my dream. So if you see a hornet's nest ask the 119 for help.

The last of today’s post is the jellyfish they are poisonous and everyone knows that it is a very simple animal because it is like a jelly and that is why it is called a jellyfish. The thing is that the people in korea eat these jellyfish. I even saw it is the local supermarket. There is good knew we have made a jellyfish killing machine. Now by


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