According to Einstein, light in Vacuum areas, without the effects of gravity, is the fastest speed in the world. He also said that when an objects have the speed equivalent to the speed of light, time travel might be possible. So, theoretically, time travel is possible. And there is a high chance that humanity can make it. But if we make a time machine, it can be used in the past--even now!

This is a painting by by Pieter de Hooch, made nearly 350 years ago. Since Iphones were made on 2007, this painting makes no sense. However, it is undeniable that this painting has a exact image of an Iphone.

This is a part of a video clip, filming a boxing player called Mike Tyson on the late 1990s. There's this guy holding a white thing, which surprisingly LOOKS LIKE A SMARTPHONE!! This image is even more vivid and clear than the last one! It even has a black part which looks like the camera.

Lastly, this is an ordinary Adidas shoes. The problem? A mummy was wearing it!! I wanted to post its actual face, but it was to gross. It was found in 2017. The mummy seemed to be female, and in high position. This is clearly an adidas boots, as you can see from its stripes.
But time travel is a paradox. For example, suppose that you rode a time machine and killed your grandma. You wouldn't have exsisted because there would have been nobody to actually give your birth. But then, if there was no "you", who would've killed your grandma?I t is the truth that if Time travelers exist, they rule people's fates. It means that they should connect all people's fate to be the way that it is. But, one mistake can end not only yourself, but the humanity itself.
I just don't get the complicated 4D stuff
it's very interesting
Well, OMG