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A deer goes onto the street with curisocity and then, WHOOSH, a car pass by, and it feels great pain. It looks up to find someone to save him/her, but he/she soon finds out that no one will. Every year, thousands of animals are dead in the street. About 253,000 animals are killed by vehicles per year.

Roadkills are any animals killed on roads by any vehicles. In 2012, 24852 European hare, 36865 Roe deer, 1414 European badgers were killed in Austria in roads. Like this, the number of animals that are roadkilled are HUGE. The main cause of roadkills is because of roadsalt. Roadsalt is mostly used for melting the ice on the road. The animals are curious, and they want to taste that salt on roads! So, they jump onto the road, while the car is coming for them. They don't really notice what's happening, so they eventually slowly take the taste of the roadsalt and walks accross the road. The car comes and kill those animals, and even the driver doesn't really notice the animal until there are blood and flesh all around the car and the road. So, the effect of this roadkill is super huge. This is because, as I said, the blood and the innard of the animal spreads all over the car, and the road! Also, the problem is - Who will clean and remove the dead body of that animal? If no one cleans it out, the drivers will have to clean the blood of the animal again and again, everytime they pass the road. So, these are the problems of roadkill, and please, READ THE SIGNS that tell you where is the "Animal Zone" that you should be aware of animals on roads, and also, SEE THE FRONT, and see if there is an animal passing by!!!!!!


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