*****This is about scary stories! You might not like this post if you hate scary stories!*******
Hello everyone! I am Nile the river, who really LOVE scary stories. (Please post some scary stories if you know them! I would love them :-) Today, my post will be about scary stories(or mysteries) of school, which is a very familiar place to most of us. LET'S GO!!! YAY!!
1. Classroom: There was a student that was locked in his own classroom during the whole vacation. VACATION. FOR 1 MONTH.
2. Field: A student that died long ago keeps jogging around the schoolyard.(Well, nobody saw him.... Maybe he only goes jogging in nights? Actually, that's...quite polite.:-)
3. Art room: The faces of people in the portraits change finely everyday.(????!!!!)
4. Pool: If you swim in the 4th lane, something grabs your ankle! (Phew! Good thing that there's no pool in our school! LOL)
5. Music room: Sometimes, the piano makes sounds by itself when nobody is sitting there. It is because there is a dead body(?!) hidden in the ceiling of the room, and the blood from it drops and hits the piano keyboard so the piano makes sound. (WHAT?! NOOOOOO)
6. The 7th mystery: There are total 7 school mysteries, and people who knows all of them dies.
(Well, I know all of them, but I'm extremely healthy!!Hahaha)

@Tony Stark
I totally agree lol
That IS really the scariest thing!!!
So, on Sunday night, everyone is too scared to sleep lol
the scariest story for me is that tomorrow is monday......
Ok.So basically its a rumor.. And then the first one is the craziest.....