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Seoul Land!!

Updated: May 24, 2019

Did you ever go to Seoulland? Well, in our school, we went to Seoulland for the 5th grade 1st semester field trip!! Yay me!! Everyone was excited because our last field trip- 4th grade 2nd semester- was to Gyeongbokgung and Hanwok Village and basically just EDUCATIONAL stuff. But in Seoulland, we are FREE!!! It was in 5/16, Thursday. My class, 5-1, rode the bus for 30 minutes and arrived in Seoulland. When we got off the bus, I expected my teacher to give us tickets and let us FREE! But no, we had to wait 10 minutes in the SCORCHING sun to get tickets!! And after that, our EVIL teacher babbled FOREVER about rules and meeting in 11:30 in Spagettini... We were 5 minutes late!(than the other class) You know that 1 minute 1 second is important in amusement parks... So when we got to a ride, the other class students were riding it so we had to wait. It was called Rock Cafe, and I rode it with my BFFs. My BBFF rode it with me, and she was like,

"OMG!!! What on EARTH?? AHH!!! @#$%^&*(!!!"

And I shouted,

"Girlfriend, calm down!! Have you lost your mind??"

It wasn't even scary. But she CURSED!!

Anyways, after that, we rode a lot of stuff. So we kinda divided in to cliques. (I'll use nicknames) I was team with Fall, because we didn't like 360 flip roller coasters, but the middle things. My BBFF teamed with Summer, because they like babyish stuff(like, they couldn't even ride the Canimal Circus- which turns 360 degrees SOMETIMES!!) Lastly, Cherry and Snow teamed because they could ride 360 flip stuff- like Space Train 888? (Oh, BTW, I'm Sky.)

My favorite ride was the World Cup!! I'm not sure if you guys rode this, but this, after you ride it, you are DEAD!! Your head spins like crazy, and your neck hurts because of screaming. This is my personal opinion, but if you see World Cup, NEVER ride it. Anyways, World Cup is a ride that gets higher and spins faster until you feel like you are going to drop from the sky. Fall and I rode it 2 times, and I screamed/covered my eyes the second time because I knew what DISASTER would happen to me in that ride.

I also liked the Flume Ride! Yes, for that ride, all my BFFs and I waited patiently for 20 minutes!! OMG!! It was so fun! In the end, I felt like I was going to fly away and crash to the ground! But 1 disappointing thing is, you know that they take pictures in Flume Ride? About 2/3 of a A4 paper? That's 10,000 won!!! Gosh, that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive!! So, as a economic person, I did not print it out. HA!

Finally, I rode the King Viking. ON THE DEAD END!!! I know, it was SCARY!! It doesn't look scary, but it is scary to me. It was fun, but scary. By the way, my BBFF and Summer didn't ride this nor the World Cup. They are so kindergardenish in rides.

Seoulland is SO awesome! I hope that one day you go there and have a wonderful day. Thanks for reading, and

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