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Should Animal Testing be banned?

Imagine rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, dogs, all being put in a cage for cosmetic experiments for humans. They are whimpering as they beg humans not to do this to them. But humans coldly close the door of the cage. Those animals are used for cosmetic experiments, especially for make-up. They die a slow and painful death. Animal testing, or cosmetic testing should be banned because it violates animal's rights, it causes pain and suffering to experimented animals, and because it is not human.

Firstly, cosmetic experiments violates the tested animals' rights. Everyone has human rights- that CANNOT be blocked. And animals have their own rights too-animal rights. According to Wikipedia, animal rights is the idea in which some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own existence and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. And that should be true. But by cosmetic experiments, the testers violates the animals' rights. That is same as prejudicing human rights, and that is WRONG. For example, let's say A has no freedom of speech- because of her parents. That is prejudicing one's rights. But isn't it the same for animals? Don't animals have rights- not to suffer, to be happy??In a word, cosmetic testing is violating the tested animals' rights.

Also, animal testing causes suffering for the animals. Each year, more than 100 MILLION ANIMALS-including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds—are killed in U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing. This means they suffer from 1) Death 2) Loss(of family) and 3) Chemicals(Bad ones- cause pain and disease, etc.) That is NOT right. Humans don't want to be tested for OTHER HUMANS, RIGHT??? For animals, this is being tested for OTHER ANIMALS(BECAUSE WE ARE ANIMALS)!!!!!!! No one wants to live a life of pain and suffering. Animals are same as us too. No pain, no suffering, just a good life is all they want.

Lastly, cosmetic testing is just not human. Humans were designed to be together with animals. Survive with them, help each other. But when did it become like 'Humans are the best.' 'Animals are not creatures. They are things made for our good.' Humans are still animals. And humans have to live with animals. Humans should do human acts, not nonhuman acts like animal testing.

In conclusion, animal testing/cosmetic testing should be BANNED from EARTH. They violate animal rights, cause them suffering and pain, and it is just not human. In the view of people worldwide, animal testing are horrible and should have never happened.

(๑′̥̥̥▵‵̥̥̥ ૂ๑)



*STOP CRUEL ANIMAL TESTING!!!!!!!! (๑◕︵◕๑) ٩꒰´·⌢•`꒱۶⁼³₌₃ ANIMALS ARE LIVE THINGS TOO!!!!!!!!!!! 。゜(`Д´)゜。*

*I'm sorry... I just feel so sorry for those animalsTT*

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KT Telecom
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10 may 2019

TAT... I feel so sorry for them....

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