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should slimes be banned?

Imagine a girl in her house touching a slime she bought earlier cheap at a stationary store. She is delighted. This is a very common sight in Korea. There seems to be nothing wrong with it. However, very harmful chemicals have been found in a few of these stationary store slimes. These stationary store slimes may cause fingernail shape changing and has been known to cause red rashes(?) after use. Even though the slimes with the KC mark seems safe, there are actually more that do not have the KC mark. I think Korea should ban stationary store slimes which has not been approved by the KC because slime may lead to rashes and other bad effects to the body and since slime could be fatal.

Firstly, slime may cause bad effects on the body. Like I said before, it may cause rashes. To explain, after using the slime, some kids seemed to have their hands red and causes change to the shape of fingernails. Furthemore, slimes contain bad chemicals which should not be in touch with our body. To demonstrate, humidifier disinfectant is in some slimes. This is dangerous since humidifier disinfectant once to the lives of many kids a few years ago. Also, CMIT and MIT are found in slimes which cause allergic reactions and rashes.

Secondly, slime can be fatal. With all the bad ingredients in slime, it may cause the loss of life. For instance, if a kid touched it for a very long time, the bad chemicals may get in to their lungs and she may DIE! Also, if she used a straw to blow little slime bubbles, which is recommended to NEVER do, again, SHE MAY DIE!! Furthemore, slimes are very unpredictable. To explain, little children may just eat slime. Which can make them DIE!

In conclusion, slims are not really safe. So I believe bad slimes should be banned because it has bad effects on the body that CAN lead to death. really may not be safe!

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KT Telecom
KT Telecom
May 10, 2019

...... i think slime should be banned.


What do u think of slime??

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