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should we ban toys in school?

Hello Disney's! Today I will write an essay(?) about "Should we ban toys in school?" Please leave comments of what you think about this motion. (This is not part of the introduction). So, let's start!

Think about a time, when you went to school, and almost everyone was at one desk together. So, you went to see what it was, and it was a Pokemon card set/lego miniature figures/or a Nintendo switch (or something like that). It was attracting everyone's eyes. After the class bell rang, everyone did sit in their seats, but they were passing it under their desks, whispering, and NOT STUDYING. Almost everyone was dying to wait for break to come, and when break did come, they shot out of their seats back to the kid with the toy's desk. This means that the toy was fulled in the kid's minds, instead of studying, which is out of control. Because of these reasons, teachers usually think about if they should ban toys. So, should we really ban toys in school? I think we should not ban toys in school because toys give children things to do and because there are ways that a toy does not disturb studying.

The first reason toys should not be banned in school is because toys give children things to do. Break time is only 10 minutes, so it gives too ambiguous time to go outside and play. Also, many kids don't like to "Just sit down and read books" in break time. So what usually kids do is play inside with balls, wrestle(boys!) run around, or what our class kids do is 'kidnapp' a passerby and bring them into our classroom, lock the doors, and hold them back for a long time. Which also makes a big uproar. However, if the kids have a good board game or toy, they gather in 4~5 people groups, sit down on the classroom floor, and quietly play the game until break ends. If the bell rings, they just gather it up, put it on top of the lockers, and come back to their seats and study. If schools ban toys, it makes children easily bored and less joy of school.

The second reason toys should not be banned in school is because there are ways that a toy does not disturb studying. The main reason that people think toys should be banned is because it interprets studying, which is what "schools" are for. However, we can make toys not disturb class. In class time, we may gather all the toys and put it in the wayyyyy back, where it does not get children's eyes. We can make rules, like "No more than 5 people gathered in one area. It makes it too loud", which makes it quieter. Or teachers can even use it as a prize-system, like if you solve a question or participate, you can use it for 5 minutes. This make kid's interest and work in studying bigger and harder. Even if there are toys, if there is a way that it does not disturb studying, there is no reason to ban it.

In conclusion, toys should not be banned from school because it might give no disturbance to studying, and because it gives children things to do. However, everyone has to put a main point on studying in school, and make toys a bit of entertainment.

(P.S. Sorry about the Korean!)

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