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should we band kids from dying their hair?

Kids love dying their hair. It looks beautiful, shiny and unique. Many kids might not be confident or they may not like their own hair color. Simply nothing wrong with this. But there are many bad effects behind dying your precious hair. I believe it is not a good choice to dye your hair because it damages your hair and it can lead to health problems.

Firstly, it can damage your hair. Kids especially have stronger hair then elders because it is more new and fresh. It is nice to keep your hair natural at an age to 0 to 13 but if we let kids dye their hair, it will simply ruin it. Hair dye contains a chemical called ammonia and peroxide. According to "Style Craze", it explains the ammonia breaks through your hair shaft and peroxide bleaches the natural hair and washes off the natural hair color and turn it into a whitish color. This means the scalp could get damaged. This can lead to hair loss because the hair loses its strength, lose luster and other horrifying things. Further more, when the action of the hair getting damaged happens, there are high chances that you have to shave off the dyed part because of the weak hair parts that won't be able to hold on your scalp after receiving the chemicals.

Secondly, it leads to health problem. Like i said hair dye contains ammonia and other harsh chemicals can lead to painful eye problems, rashes and burns, and cancer. The dye that is on your head can connect to the sensitive parts of you face such as the eye. You will end up rubbing your eye non stop and end up with a pink eye. To addition, it can lead to rashes because the chemicals will get on any of your body parts and soon there might be a burning sensation going on as well. Cancer is similar, if the chemical absorbs the body too much, there will be painful illness not on the outside but inside. The most common link the chemical go towards to is the brain so most likely brain cancer is the most common.

to conclude, hair dye is a hideous monster that damages your beautiful hair and may even cause you to die. Hair dying in highly NOT recommended.

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L E N A❤️️
L E N A❤️️
May 09, 2019

I understand lol


Welllllll, but isn't this our own right even though it has these craziness?? Of course, I also agree that you don't like dying the hair!! I don't like it too. It is actually "DYING" ur hair by dying your hair.... Does this make sense? I hope u understand........ IBI


L E N A❤️️
L E N A❤️️
May 09, 2019

Yes I did but I only dyed the end part of my hair so there will be no “ hair loss” or damaged scalp...... but it is true that I have an allergic reaction.


Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
May 09, 2019

Ok......??? I am a little confused bc u dyed ur hair 2...........

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