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Should we be friends with North Korea?

* This blog states the fact that we will be allies, not one. Also the US will be involved

Last year was a success for everyone and mainly to the Republic of Korea, The United States of America, and some for North Korea, but what about this year and the next? North Korea is communist country allied with The Peoples Republic of China(mostly) and a bit of Russia due to The Republic of Korea having a good relationship with The Peoples Republic of China 2 years ago. After North Korea having a little problems with nuclear weapons, the US made sanctions against North Korea. But now, things stared to get better, so should we be friends with North Korea? Being friends with North Korea will be beneficial because the world will find peace, Korea and the world will have more trades and resources, and it's beneficial for North Korea as well.

To begin the world will find peace. From the 1950's to today the UN and the US had continuously told the world to give up nuclear weapons because the threat of the whole world being blown up with everyone dying. But looks like North Korea has a lot of missile. So Trump told then to give up but the didn't, but last year they had the reason and the wish to. Seeing that North Korea responds nicely through negotiations, if the three are allies, we can make world peace with North Korea able to make world peace together. Though more submits held and trading by the sanctions removed, this will make world peace.

Secondly, the world and Korea will have new trades and more resources.

If the US will make the decision to remove North Korea's sanctions of trading, we will have more resources. Mainly, more coal, steel, and a whole lot other resources. The reason is that most of the north eastern parts of North Korea are mountains and those mountains carry a lot of that. This make more resources for other countries.

And also good for North Korea.

Lastly, this is very beneficial for North Korea. What the world wants is denuclearazation and if they start to de-nuclearize, the world will get peace, with the US removing sanction and also helping them. Right now, most North Koreans are in hunger. But with negotiations the allies will help food get transported for the people. Also the trades can make them wealthy with a economic recovery.

To conclude, it is beneficial to be allies with North Korea with world peace, more trades and resources, and a beneficial effect for North Korea. Let's hope to see a brighter future, with more negotiations and trade and brighter connections between us three.

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