Smiggle is a popular brand, you must know them. They are very popular especially by the fancy colors and design of them. In our class, for example, me and Alice has smiggle pencil cases. I have smiggle scented jel pens, too. Thesedays, children usually buys smiggle 'pencil case'. Yes, smiggle is mostly known for beautiful pencil cases, but there are a LOT more than ONLY pencil cases. From diaries and bag to earings and clocks!! You will have to say 'WOW' because of smiggle's creative design and fancy covers. Smiggle is made from Austraila, as mostly EVERYONE knows. However, there are stores in UK (United Kingdom), Malaysia, and HK (HongKong), too besides stores in Austraila. Unfortunately, there is no smiggle stores in Korea, so you cannot meet many smiggle things but by internet only. There is this biggest smiggle store in Austraila. You will be able to see a lot of new smiggle in there such as 2019 diaries, so be sure to visit! Your eyes will go like... 'Whoop!' when you see all the smiggle things there in the biggest and the main, store of smiggle. Many kids and students admires smiggle 'cause it is just so beautiful. Also, most of them are pretty adorable and furry, too. Smiggle is like the top brand of all the pencil cases and is very well known in most wealthy countries. Also, smiggle is like a big, bright shining star above all those pencilcases brands. So, when you travel to Austraila with your family, be sure to visit smiggle. If you are going to, please leave a message below my blog post so that I can congrat you and I know that you are going to Austraila. Jayden, Jihoon, and Jihoo, you should have been disappointed that smiggle has no boy' things. However, you are definitely wrong. Even though smiggle is mostly girly, there are many 'boy' stuff, so be happy米^-^米

This was Jubilee the great, I mean Julie the Joyful's blog post about smiggle. Be sure to write many comments below and ask me if you want to know something more about smiggle. If you do, I will answer it back as fast as I can.
Bye, humans!
Oh!! Then.... You know what I am goin to say, right?!
I'm going to Australia this DECEMBER! TODDLES!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!