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Snow white with red hair

Recently I found an animation called Snow white with red hair fascinating. the main character,Shirayuki , has a special red hair. Although she wants to live as a pharmacist,the prince of Tanbarun,Ragi, wants her as a concubine only because of her red hair. She runs away to Clarines and meets a boy named Zen and Mitsuhide with a girl knight named Kiki. She starts to like Zen and a basket of apples were sent to Shirayuki. Zen ate the apple for her because the prince, Ragi was planning to poison her and force her to be his concubine. Zen wakes up from the poison and reveals that he is the second prince of Clarines. Shirayuki decides to live in Clarines.

❣️My opinion❣️

To me this animation was fascinating. I've never seen something like this animation! Something very interesting was that each character's personality and feelings were well expressed.Even though this animation is not very popular, the story is interesting and the drawing style is good too. I've never seen an animation this hard.The genre is fantasy but it is not based on fighting nor magic and adventure but on everyday life, friendship and also feelings.This makes this animation more interesting and fun.

go and see snow white with red hair(english)

go and see snow white with red hair(korean)

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That's awesome Chloe! I want to see it right now too!


I will see it RIGHT NOW!!


Ooh, I see that you love Japanese characters very much!

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