#Hiiiiiiii Disneys!! So today, I'm going to tell you about tricolons(meaning) and example paragraph(made by me). So firstly, I'll tell you the meaning of a 'tricolon'. Well, in Google, it says(I had to Google it too); Tricolon is a rhetorical term that consists of three parallel clauses, phrases, or words, which happen to come in quick succession without any interruption. Okay, but what does that mean??????(brain attack) So I had to search examples too. I went to a site, which was https://www.thoughtco.com/tricolon-rhetoric-1692565. Quite long;;;; And in there, there were some good examples of a tricolon. I'll try to write my own example inside a paragraph. Sorry if it's bad.....
Example 1
My teacher always says the same things. Be kind, be honest, be yourself. I hate those words. All she ever says is that. Today, she said that again. I had to stop myself from screaming like, 'Teacher!! Please!! Stop saying that!!' and just explode.
Example 2
Jennifer thinks that all puppies should be cute, have big eyes, and never, ever bark.
And when she sees one that isn't, she just makes The Eyes. But that is nonsense, I say, because my dog, Rose, barks. But Jennifer thinks she's adorable.
Okay. This is all I have for today. Thank you for reading my post, and
Thank you, I did not no what was a tricolon!
Thanks, now i finally know what a tricolon is^^ #queenAliceandKatie
Wow, Alice, this is a GREAT topic!! Thanks, u helped me a LOT!!^.^
Thank you all for reading my post!!