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Sony v.s. Marvel

Writer: Marvel Lover JihoonMarvel Lover Jihoon

You all know it. As Spider-man walked into the portal of Sony. It walked into Sony's dreams, but walked out of Marvel's dreams. Well eventually that might not be the case. Let's she how.

Here are all the movies that Spider-man came out in the recent Infinity Saga series.

Captain America: Civil War

He was in his first battle. He stole Cap's shield and did a whole lot of talking during it.

Spider-man: Home-coming

He is the movies name, so no need to explain.

Avengers: Infinity War

He gets a suit from Tony and got 4 more legs and he talked a lot about Pop culture.

Avengers: Endgame

Spider-man: Far From Home

Same situation as Home-coming.

And as you look at all these movies, they all have a lot of Marvel mixed in. Especially Iron-man, because he plays a big part in Spider-man. He gave him a suit to a servant, Happy. But would Sony be able to get rid of all these Marvel bits off and make a new Spider-man 3. No. Why? Because if that wanted to work, Sony would have to take Endgame and the character Iron-man. So they thought it was hard too. So Sony said this. "Hey, you know what Marvel, Will give you 30% of the money, but we'll let you keep Spider-man, but can you put Venom in the movie?" So Diseny is like the mood "SURE!!!!!" Because they get more money (5% to 30%) and they'll get a new and influencing character, Venom. So what will happen, tell me in the comments below.


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I mean, I think Sony HAS to know how they made Spiderman with Tobey Maquire and Andrew Garfield. The Spiderman with Marvel has much more fans!!!!!!

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