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Other Spiderman movies vs. Far From home

Updated: Aug 2, 2019

Hey guys, as u all know, I am a bigx100000 fan of spiderman, well, honestly, Tom Holland. So, today I AM GONNA SPOIL EVERYTHING FROM SPIDERMAN. I know that Stella posted about far from home, but I'm VERY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT SHE DID. Why?? Because I'm gonna SPOIL EVERYTHING!!!! MWA HA HA HA!!!!!! (Including Spiderman FAR FROM HOME!!!)

OK, SO LET'S START. (This is not part of the REAL blog post!!)

Well, is there any difference between other spidey movies and Spiderman Far from Home that came out very recently? Spiderman Far from Home has been released in June 28th in Japan. In South Korea, it released on July 2nd. Also, Spiderman Movies have been Sony's, but now those movies are Marvel's. Well, I believe that Spiderman Far From Home was the best movie of Spiderman.

First, Spiderman OTHER movies. In Spiderman other movies, the major point is that they save the citizens from the villains and stuff like that. There are not a lot of twists and just goes with normal "Hero" thing to do. So, maybe some parts are kinda boring cause Spiderman just fights, fights, and fights, and save the day. Having no twists are BORING. Also, in other Spiderman movies, Spiderman is REALLY funny childish. Especially in Captain America Civil war, and Spiderman Homecoming, Peter Parker, or Spiderman was REALLY funny. He said "Hi" to EVERY SINGLE citizens that he met while he was going to save the world. He even did a flip for the citizens!!! So, he was really kind of funny and chlidish back then. So, Spiderman was kind of childish and really funny in other Spiderman movies. Especially in Captain America Civil war, and Spiderman Homecoming, Peter Parker, or Spiderman was REALLY funny. He said "Hi" to EVERY SINGLE citizens that he met while he was going to save the world. He even did a flip for the citizens!!! So, he was really kind of funny and chlidish back then.

Second, Spiderman Far form home.Well, there are 3 twists in Spiderman Far from home. The first twist is that Mysterio was actually a villain. EVERYONE, including the other super heros thought that Mysterio was a hero that can save Earth. However, he was actually a villain and all his "Powers" were actually not real powers, it was just techonology!!!! So, Mysterio actually wanted to be the next "Tony Stark" of Avengers. The second twist of Spiderman Far from home is that MJ actually knew that Peter was the Spiderman!!! MJ sneaked out everytime to see what Peter was doing. So, she finally found out that Peter was the Spiderman, and 67% believed it. Also, Peter, at last, tells MJ that he was the Spiderman, so MJ now knows. The last twist is in the end credit scene. In Korea, we call those end credit scenes as "Cookie Video". There were 2 end credits in the Spiderman Far from home, and one of them was a BIG twist. NICK FURY AND MARIA HILL WAS ACTUALLY SKRULLS!!! Skrulls are aliens and can shapeswift. So, the skrulls shapeswifted into Nick fury and Maria Hill!!! Like this, there are 3 twists in Spiderman Far from home. Also, Spiderman is a bit more skilled and adulty. In other Spiderman movies, Peter Parker coems out really "Childishly". However, now that he experienced the death of his life teacher, Iron man, or Tony Stark, he now thinks that he have to save the world even HIMSELF (Because Thor is fat and everyone else is unavalible). So, he uses his "Peter Tingle" to save the world from Mysterio. Mysterio was going to make the world believe that he was the next leader of the Avengers. Spiderman is now also more brave and skilled. In Spiderman Homecoming, he always got in the trap of Adrian and because of his sticky web, he had to fly with the airplane of Adrian. However, now he is a lot more skilled than he was in Spider-man Homecoming, so he doesn't often get in the trap of Mysterio. Therefore, Spiderman is much skilled and "Adulty" than he were before.

I believe that Spiderman Far From Home is better than other Spiderman movies because Spiderman Far from home has a lot of twists and in Spiderman Far From Home, Spiderman is a little more adulty. I hope you all see spiderman far from home!!!!

(This is also not the part of the post.) Tell me what was your favorite movie of alL marvel, and what was your favorite movie from Spiderman in the comment section below.

Well, mine is Spiderman - Spiderman Far From Home

Marvel - Captain America Civil war/ Avengers Infinity war

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