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Many people like sweets, no almost everyone does. But most of the people do not care about their favorite sweet's ingredients, and let's find out one by one.

Well, most snacks with unnatural red color might be made out with insects. THings such as jelly, candy, or flavored milk might be made out with bugs from cactus. That insect is called 'kermes' and it lives in Central America's desert. And actually, it is still used in strawberry flavored milk. It was proved that it causes no harm to our body, but it is still gross to taste a food with insect in it. Also, it has been a problem because since these are bugs, vegetarians refused to eat them, and they protested to stop using those "BUG FOOD COLORING." It's on you to decide to buy your sweet or not, and this coloring would not harm you at all. I am not forcing you to do something, but if you do mind what I had said, you would better stop having those kermes. Hope you had found out something, and have a good day!

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