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The amazing site ''

Hello, guys! Today I'm going to tell you about a great site called This game is extraordinarily fun, makes you scream with happiness(not literally), and makes your skin tingle(metaphorically). First you search this go into, the teacher's version, choose your category, and make your own game.(ex : silly jokes) and make your own password. Then, you go into the student's version, make your own nickname, enter the password you made in the teacher's version, and press start in the teacher's version. Go back to the student's version quickly because the game starts in 3 seconds. You have to answer as many as possible correctly. Each question you get right is worth 10 points, and if you get 5 in a row, you get plus 10 points for bonus. These questions are multiple questions, and you have to click the answer you think is right out of 4 choices. ( ex: question: what is after 1? choices: 2,3,4,5 If you think 2 is the answer, click it.) This game is really fun if you keep playing it. You can even make your own category once you are used to this game. Compete with your family and friends and see who's the lord of the game!

#IthinkI'maddictedtoit forever!

p.s. I am smart and handsome and super great.

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