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the different girl

Ever girl always in 2020 loved to ditch school because they thought it was useless. They like to hang out with their friends by going to cafe's or even far way places like vacation for 7 hours and then come right back home at the time they are suppose to arrive home so their parent don't know.

except for this one girl, Cate. But unlike Cate, Trisha always sneaks out of school and manages to not get caught. Then one morning, Trisha planed to run away with all the girls in her class including Cate. Everyone was exited, but Cate was the only one who shook her head "NO."

" C'mon Cate! Stop acting like a loser and come on! Do you really want to study?" said Trisha in a mean voice.

" Cate said with confidence of course I do! If we don't study new not go to college, get jobs and end up being poor! Cried Cate as if she was scared. The other girls all snorted and laughed at her as if it was nonsense.

" Fine. Then you can live under a rock while we party." said Trisha less confidently. Cate nodded her head and they stormed off. Many years later, they were all graduating high school and got ready for college. But Trisha was scared the words that Cate said might haunt her and be true. She was right and it WAS true. Once they tried to get into college, Cate got accepted to Harvard but Trisha didn't even pass the easiest college in the world. Soon Trisha's family couldn't afford anything and soon, Trisha became a poor, homeless person with shabby clothes and a poor family. While Cate enjoyed her time partying just like Trisha did in middle school. Then when Cate met Trisha, she said,

" You should have partied right now, not that time. I told you studying is important."

Trisha glanced at her Cate but Cate walked away and lived an innocent happy life.

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