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The embarrassing moment

You are patiently waiting for your mom. Then, a woman comes out of the door. You assume it's your mom and call 'MOM!'but...wait!!as soon as the woman looks at you, it is a face you have never seen before..It's not your mom! Many people experience this embarrassing incident. I just happened to do as well. Yesterday. I needed to go to an academy. But then, my mom forgot her ca keys back at the house. So my mom went to our apartment. I waited for about a minute. Than someone came out of the door. I thought for sure it was my mom and I called "MOM!" but then as my 'mom' turned back, I was not my mom.I just froze. I kinda pretended I could see my mom. But after a second, I realized it would not work. So with me being totally embarrassed and the situation being awkward, I said "Sorry!"to the woman. She just warmly smiled and went where she had to go. It was only about 30 seconds but felt like a eternity to me. This isn't the first time either...when I was about four, I hugged a stranger thinking it was my mom!! And other times as well!I believe everyone has been in a situation like this before. Can anyone relate??

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LOL Sarah!(no offense intended)


Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
May 19, 2019

LOL!! Here is my story....... I was like six years old and was at a shopping mall with my mom, and we were playing hide and seek at a clothing store (probably Uniqlo) and then I suddenly got a glimpse of the same bag my mom had that day. So I held on that bag tight and shouted Gotcha! And when she turned around, she was some kind of 30 year old woman. So I was embarrased and just pretended to be calling saying mom. And duh! It did not work so I just ran. My mom came out of some bushes of cloths and yes... SHE WAS SHOCKED.

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