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The first day of class!!!(Was Crazy)

Isn't this little boy so cute?!

OMG!! I can't believe that I'm now on this first day if 5th grade!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

(This was me screaming)

Okay, let's calm down and WRITE!!

Well, I expect that this blog post is gonna be quite boring, but never mind, you don't have to read it if you don't want to, but if you want to, I'm WARNING you right now!! I said, This IS going to be V-ery Ve-ry Ver-y Very- boring.

When I first came into the classroom, everyone was filled with joy of being a fifth grader, but there was no sound of laughter. The classroom was slient ITSELF. I also WAS quite nervous, as everyone will be. The only thing I liked was the teacher. She seemed to be quite young. As I will explain, young teachers are AWESOME. The nervousness flew through the air, and everyone watched the teacher to welcome them and finally start the class. There was few latecomers, but never mind!! It's the first day of class, but the last day of forgiveness. So, now, THAT's what the first days are for!!! Let's start!!



I know, this IS boring!! Never mind!!

Okay.... My teacher is very very young, and I LOVE young teachers!!! Old and grumpy teachers, they teach with the giant TV, and writes on the board. DONE! NO fun at all!! However, young teachers do ppts(I guess you know what this IS) and that is FUN! Every single milk drinking-baby knows that, too!!(LOL) Anyways, my teacher is super- young, and she even SAID to us that she loves making ppts. You know what? She prepares ppt everyday!!(Math, language arts and every other!) Hooray, I said in my mind!!

2. Classroom

I know, this IS boring!! Never mind!!

Our classroom was VERY, EXTRA, large!! I LOVED it! Enormous classrooms are great for PLAYING around. Our teacher prepared some board games, and that is what large classrooms are for!!! LOL

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1 Comment

Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Mar 11, 2019

My teacher is like an army general LOL

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