There are kids having themselves stuck in the chair for a long time and just clicking, focused on the screen. They are looking at memes. Memes are very popular to Internet users. The main reason for this is because it is something very hilarious and interesting.
The original meme is the baby cha-cha-cha. It is just a baby dancing wearing diapers. But that meme changed and got developed into other hilarious memes. For example, it turned into a African baby from the tribe dancing, and it changed into a baby with a weird face dancing.
The first meme is basically a comic. It is from a Expectations vs Reality joke. It is a meme when you think of yourself, it's a fashion model. But in reality, it is a smushed up face.
These days there are lots of memes in GIF, but mostly there are really developed memes that came from memes that copied another meme that copied another meme that copied another meme that copied another meme that copied another meme, and so forth.