This is the same story that I said that I will continue next week so I will do it. This is the incident that shook the whole class. ( okay maybe only the boys) but it was still shocking and surprising. In clash royale, there are groups called clans that you go in to play with your friends. There is also a leader and also a second leader. They both have the same ranks and they can have the power to kick out people if they want and that became a problem. One person that my friends know (who is older than us) got to the leader rank and that lead to the problem of kicking everybody that is not a leader out of the clan. Our friends got angry and used a lot of curses and had reported the person that had caused all this harm. It might not be a big incident but it is still big to us. Now onto clash talk. There will be balance changes in some of the cards. There will be a new card that is callled the fight healer and by it's name it sounds like a healer. We are all happy and pleased exept the low arena people.
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