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The most exciting day of school!!!!

Hellooooo everyone, this is Nile the river!! Today, l will write a blog post abiout the most exciting day of schoool, which is quite rare. :) Please enjoy and try to figure out what this day is!!

All students, 1st grade to 6th grade, rush out of school, talking with each other in joy. The teacher blows his or her whistle madly.* BIP BIP BIP BIIIIP!!!!*

When all the kids are arranged in neat lines,they are ready to have the real fun!

At the left corner of the school field, kids throw balls to the pinatas. Colorful round balls rise to the sky, and kids jump up to the sky, too. Finally , when all of the students show their finest aiming skills and throw the small balls with all their might at once, the pinata breaks open and a long paper that says 'fighting!' slides out. All students does a dance that looks like l got a hundred dance in joy.

Others are using balls, too- only that THIS balls are as huge as US. Teams roll the giant ball to the finish line. High- graders' feet are moving rhythmically and quickly, but the lower-graders seems like they will soon fall down.. People watch this, cheering for the team in high- as- dolphin-voices. Or maybe supersonic waves. :)

Now comes the highlight of today!! With a cheer that is like' pouring broken glasses in my ears', the relay starts. The runners grasp the baton as if it is a precious DIAMOND stick and 3---2--1- off they go!!! They run as fast as they can, FIRE on their feet.( Some miss steps and ROLL on the field with all their body. OMG!) As the race goes to the climax, the screams of friends become louder and louder. The second- last runner passes the baton to the last runner and collapses. The last runner uses all of his(her) power and finally... the white, long, beautiful finish line meets with the honorable last runner.ROAR busts out from the crowd, and teams that won hugs everybody they see. Yay! What an exciting, fun day!

Now, you would HAVE already noticed, but this day is the school sports day.

Hope you enjoyed!

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