(Oops! There's some Korean Alert right there!)
Okay. Here's some bad news. Well, I thought most of the celebrities were all right and fine, even though they are some bad comments. However, many of them were actually NOT.
Singer and actor, Sulli suicided on October 14th..... She suicided because of vicious comments. She were always with those hate comments - Well, EVERY singers, actors, comedians, dancers have comments that are really painful for them! However, she ESPECIALLY had a lot of those comments, and she actually read those comments which made her really tired and painful. She were in a talk show kind of program that is called "The night of hate comments (The real name is on top of that picture...)" with Kim sook, Sin dong yep, and Kim jong min. It is a program that reads their OWN bad comments and talk about each one. They can either accept the comment, or refuse to accept it. If they accept it, they are agreeing to it, or they are saying that thinking like that could be possible. Anyways. October 14th, when Sulli suicided, it was the time when they film "The night of hate comments". So, they waited for Sulli, but Sulli didn't come. So, they just had to flim it without Sulli. However, Sulli's manager went to her house because Sulli was keep not getting his call, and Sulli's manager found out that she was dead. So, Sulli was actually SUICIDING when they were fliming!!!!!
I firmly wanna say - Don't make comments that can hurt someone's feeling. Even though it is a good comment for someone, if it is a bad, vicious comment for someone else, you just shouldn't write it at all. There are a LOT of singers, actors, comdians, and much more that decided to suicide because of those bad comments. I was very much SHOCKED to see the news. In our school, our teacher showed us a TV program that talked about bad comments. Well, NOW I found out that the TV program that we saw was "The night of hate comments", and of course, the time when we were seeing it, Sulli was still alive then. Now I know that the TV program we saw was the TV program that Sulli was in, I felt super sorry and sad.... So, I just wanted to say - DON'T WRITE BAD COMMENTS, and R.I.P Sulli.....
R.I.P. Sulli :(
So sad T^T