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The Top K-Pop Songs of 2018!!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Sarah the Blink's blog post!!! (crowd cheers) So today I will be making a top 3 list of the best k-pop songs of 2018. By the way, this is only my OPINION, so I apologize if we have different thoughts or your favorite song wasn't on my list. However, please do not leave any harsh comments because we don't have the same opinions. Anyways, lets begin the list.

1. SOLO (Blackpink Jennie)

I chose this song because it is such a lovely song. Jennie is so wonderfully singing. And believe it or not, this song actually came on the American Billboard chart!! It is sang by Blackpink Jennie kim, and her nickname is Jeduk. This song was so successful that it had over a million copies sold!! Plus, it came on number ONE on World Digital Song Sales Chart!!! I believe that her voice was so clean when she says SOLO~. That is because it does not take long. Its just SOLO and that's it. And believe me, it is extremely hard to sing a short high pitched lyric. This is the best song ever~~!!!!

2. DDU DU DDU DU (Blackpink)

This song seems like one of the most exciting Blackpink songs EVER!! This was also a very big hit like SOLO, and makes K-pop history on hot 100, and billboard 200. This was a very successful song by Blackpink since it was watched by over 550 million across the globe to become the most popular K-pop video for 2018. It even beat BTS Idol and Fake Love!!! This seems like a very addictive song. When I first heard this song, I just couldn't get the lyrics out of my head, especially "Hit you with that ddu du ddu du ddu!". I believe it was a very expected and obvious result that Blackpink scored a high view this time!!

3. Fake Love (BTS)

This is another K-pop legend song by BTS. I believe Doyeon would be interested for SURE since she is an A.R.M.Y. This song came on Billboard chart . Fake Love was a very big hit in Korea and America. A lot of Americans loved this song. It was recoreded on first hot 100 top 10 for a K-pop group. It was a a very dramatic song, and the music video was shot beautifully. I believe this was the best song by BTS after Idol.

These songs were my top 3 K-pop songs of the year 2018. I hope you enjoyed viewing this post and see you on Friday!!!

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