Who do you think the worst person in the world is? Your teacher? Your classmate? Maybe someone who you saw on youtube. But nothing is as worse as killing a person---without a reason. The drawing above symbolizes a killer-- the worst killer possible, as it may seem. Today, I introduce you Zodiac, the worst person ever.

This picture is a montage of Zodiac, then used by a face app to make him lool like a real person. He will be old now--even dead. He was a despicable and had a different mind from most people ;
"Killing people is fun". How do we know this? He sent a LETTER to the POLICE. As I said, his mind works differently than most people. He fearlessly sent a letter to the police of "I like killing people because it is so much fun it is more fun than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangeroue anamal of all to kill something gives me the most thrilling experence it is even better than getting your rocks off with a girl the best part of it is thae when I die I will be reborn in paradice and the i have killed will become my slaves I will not give you my name because you will try to sloi down or atop my collectiog of slaves for my afterlife ebeorietemethhpiti" (Whoa, bad grammer). What a maniac.

This is an another letter from him. Ok, so he's a psychopath. But what did he do to be called the worst person ever? Well, he killed 37 people. David Arthur Faraday, Betty Lou Jensen, Michael Renault Mageau, and Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, Bryan Calvin Hartnell, and Cecelia Ann Shepar, Paul Lee Stine was the only one who is surely confirmed. But did he know any of these people? Well, no. They were random people having fun, until Zodiac stabbed them eight times with a knife or killed them with a shotgun.
There is no way this small blog can get 100 views. Like really.
I think its an error....
how did i get 100 views?!??
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... and I thought my SCHOOL TEACHER was a devil.......