There are a lot of things that give discomfort to the fifth graders in peai and there are a few that I should explain
1There are annoying and discomfort giving animals.I will only talk about them in this post.
Flies are sooooooooooooo annoying and give discomfort. They spread germs and them land on your food and make it food that you can't eat. They are filthy creature that make you soo angry and want to kill them. Also they are obssesed with poo. It is to lay their eggs still.
After you see a fly and it landed on your favorite meal and you are in full rage.
So the rage discomfort level is one novemseptuagintillion,that is 1 followed by 240 zeros so that is out of this world. That mean how much flies are annoying.
Rank 2 there must be the marimo AKA moss balls
The most important reason is that they grow too slowley and if you have one like me it grows too slow and it does acually nothing so umm and it is really annoying and they just don't grow or maybe I don't give it enough attention how about you please comment if you have a simallar situation. Rage one novemoctogintillion
Rank one comming next week.