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TikTok, an awesome app!

TikTok Logo

TikTok is a app that is made in China, but very popular in Korea. This app is almost similar to YouTube, Instagram, or Snow(Snow is a camera app). TikTok is a app that you can post many videos. There are many topics that are given to you in case you do not know what videos you want to post. However, it is optional, so you can post a video about anything you want. There are topics such as '2019 Pose Challenge' and 'Delay Screen' or 'Color Change'. You can see other's videos and give likes or comments, too. I am sure that there are many videos you would like. For example, there are nail art(For Lena), hair style(For Lena), food recipes(For Jihoon), pet(For Alice and Sarah), selfie(For Sarah) or K-pop(For Stella and Sarah). Many idols does TikTok, too. Blackpink, Winner, and Icon and even Alan Walker(Alan Walker is not Korean and not an idol)does TikTok. Also, there is this super popular dance in TikTok called 'Finger Tempo'. I learned how to do 'Finger Tempo' in TikTok. (You can find out more about 'Finger Tempo' in Sarah's blog post) Finger Tempo is basically a dance that you can do with your fingers. This 'Finger Thingy' (It is actually called as 'Finger Thingy', too!!)is very fidgety and popular in TikTok. So, be sure to check out this awesome app called TikTok to be a complete 'Insider'!!

P.S. I do TikTok, but I do not post any videos!

Finger Tempo

P.S.2. Please check out Finger Tempo, too!!

P.S.3 Tell me if you have TikTok account!!(Tell me what is your account if you have one)

P.S.4 Ask me if you have any questions about TikTok

P.S.5 Tell me if you are able to do Finger Tempo!!

(Answer my P.S. on the comments below)

#Check_Out_Sarah's_Own_Blog(It is great)

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L E N A❤️️
L E N A❤️️
Jan 17, 2019

I also do this app and I learned the finger tempo almost 7months ago. It is very addictive but fun at the same time!


Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Jan 17, 2019

PS. if you want to go to my blog then please press the button saying 'Sarah's blog' (It is on my blog how to become popular on a blog). And if you want to become a contributor, please leave your email on any of my blog posts so that i will send an invitation!!!


Jan 17, 2019

Nice! Finger dances are pretty cool. They are awesome, you know. I don't have a Tiktok account, though. :( But I learned how to do the finger tempo from my friend. Bye!!


Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Jan 17, 2019

Hi julie!!! Thanks a lot for advertising my own blog!! And ps. please give me your email address!!

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