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Top 3 Books For Girls

Hello Person. Today I will talk about Top 3 Books For Girls. (It's only my opinion so don't take it seriously tho :D)

1. Matilda (By Roald Dahl)

Matilda has been my favorite book ever since I read it. It's about a girl who is a genius but only gets hate from her family (a.k.a. The Wormwood family) and teachers (a.k.a. Agatha Trunchbull) . If you read this you will find out there are many twists in the story. Like when Matilda finds out she can (!Warning! THIS IS A SPOILER P.S. i HAVE WARNED YOU) move objects just with her eyes! Anyways, it's a book I absolutely recommend!

2. Smile (By Raina Telgemeier)

Smile is a story you would have never expected! It's about a girl named Raina who runs, trips, and knocks out both her teeth. That leaded to a lot of drama. (Braces, surgery and a retainer with fake tooth attached! P.S. yes this is a spoiler)But that's not all! She's having problems with boys, and friends. I really love this book and you will be entertained so I really recommend it!

3.Roller Girl (By Victoria Jamieson)

Roller Girl is a book that is absolutely going to make you entertained. (SPOILER TIME) She wants to be the star, the jammer of the race but that's not as easy as it sounds! And she still has more problem! Her friend was taken by her enemy, Her new and only friend broke up with her! And yet.... she wtill isn't the jammer and never the star. The books story is like a roller coaster. When you think everything is fine now, BOOM! A problem!

Well that is it person!

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The author of smile also wrote sisters(smile #2) and ghosts. They are awesome too!


Nile the river
Nile the river

OOH l read them all! I especially looooooved smile. I love your post!♡.♡


🍌Hannah Banana🍌
🍌Hannah Banana🍌

You should really read Roller Girl too! It's like Smile but it's a totally different story!


Me too! I read Matilda and Smile!!

Those 2 are awesome!


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Alice in Wonderland

I read Matilda and Smile

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