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Top 5 nice Sayings

Hellooooo everyone!! This is Nile the river! :-) Today I brought five sayings that are very famous and inspirational. I hope these can cheer us up!!

1. Steve Jobs: Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

*'Stay hungry' means to not be satisfied and keep on trying. There is also a saying that 'I'm still hungry.'

2. 'I like the night. Without the dark, we'll never see the stars.'

*Here, the 'dark' seems to symbolize failures. I guess this means that failures lead to success...

3. Helen Keller: Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

*I agree, NEVER bend your head!!!

4.You don't love someone because they're perfect. You love them in spite of the fact they're not.

5.Steve Jobs:The journey is the reward.

When you feel gloomy, look up for nice sayings! They cheer you. They inspire you. They console you. :-)

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