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Total how Many (1ST COLORFUL POST)

Updated: Jun 20, 2019

Hi everyone it is Sarah again. So today I will be talking about a AWESOME and FANTASTIC and HILARIOUS YouTube channel called total how many. I am pretty sure that you divas mostly know what this YouTube channel is, because if you translate this into Korean, it is (chongmyutmyung).

--- v --- ;; Anyways, finding this channel is so simple. You need to do one thing: search Total How Many in the YouTube search bar. Done. WARNING: ⚠️ DO NOT VIEW UNLESS YOU HAVE A STRONG HEART THAT CAN HANDLE ALL THE GOOSEBUMPS ⚠️. I mean it. There are a lot of CREEPY stuff in there. Oh and I recommend this if you wish to gain popularity because in some schools watching this channel is a trend and if you do not watch it then you might not be able to enter a conversation very easily. So here are the characters of that channel. There are a lot of characters:

Mory, who has a long chin that grows instead of his body

Delle, Mory's little sister who always asks Mory to give her money and never returns

JInsuk, Mory's mom who is VERY fat, and always looks for food

Nachunje, who is a MAD scientist who always says: Oh my god Kimchi!!

I hope you liked my post, and if you click 'Nachunje' down below in purple, you can view the 'Nachunje Song'. Cya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#Total How many

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