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Troom Troom, a youtube channel, always posts about DIY made things. They usually post about "How to make unicorn food", or "How to make stress relievers that is used in schools". So, actually, it is so hard that we cannot make it at all. However, I enjoy watching Troom Troom's video because it is so fantastic and fabulous! Most of the things that they make - They are all really fancy and shiny. So, it makes me really enjoy the post because of this thought that "How can they make THESE kinds of things?!". I think they are really skilled and good at making things. I always wonder how they can do those things. So, I keep on getting attracted to their videos because of those wonderful things that they made. They are good at cooking,making, crafting, drawing,and even PRANKING others!! (LOL) So, I see those videos. Sometimes, me and my dad try to make some of those things. However, sometimes it goes pretty well, but most of the time, we just give up in the middle. Anyways, I watch Troom Troom because they posts about things that attracts me -- Which is DIY things.

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