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twice v.s. itzy

Itzy and Twice is from the same entertainment, JYP. Many people think about which is better.

That's what I'm going to talk about today. Disneys, thank you for coming in!

1. Itzy.

Itzy has 5 members. Their concept is a bit... Charisma? They are not very pretty, but have a master attraction. They're dance is attractive, they're songs, melody, etc is all attractive. In my opinion, they've copied a lot of things. They're concept in Dalla Dalla is "I love myself" Which is similar to BTS. They're m.v. has 'dancing on the cars' is also copying another girl group. However, they are still good. I do not have a 'anti' to 'real fan' in girl idols.

2. Twice

Twice has 9 members. Some of them are not that pretty, but they are mostly pretty. Every one of them are cute. Their songs and dance have a strange magnetism that we want to follow it. In my opinion, they are not great but okay. Not so good, I don't know why, but definitely not bad either. They did not copy anything. Actually, they had nothing to copy from! They were a rising sun, but now is covered by itzy, the new group. Anyway, they still have much more fans than itzy.

So,,,,, TWICE v.s. ITZY!!!!

I say.... TWICE!!!!!(Crowd cheers)

Actually, some people might think itzy is way better. I understand. I just like Twice's cutness.

Any way, bye! Thank you for reading!

(To be continued with TxT v.s BTS!!!)

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Yep, agreed. I LOVE ITZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a Twice Anti too.......................... LOL, Once!!!


Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Apr 07, 2019

Ooooooooooooooh! I personally prefer Itzy way more, even though I am not a fan. My favorite song is Dalla Dalla, which I believe is their ONLY song as well LOL. PS. I'm sorry for all the Once's, but I'm a Twice Anti.

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