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WAAAAAA!! Hello, SKY castle lovers!!!!!!!!🎵

Today, Jubilee is back with We All Lie!!!!

I hoped everyone saw SKY castle, but sadly, we found out that Alice and Chloe and another one more person didn't see SKY castle😫

However, I REALLY--- hope you heard the SKY castle song--We All Lie!!!

If you didn't, search YouTube RIGHT NOW!!!


Let's start!!!!!!!!!!!

We All Lie lyrics

We all lie tell you the truths sometimes we laugh and easily lie Alright it's a it's faker Shout it out What you want for the world Money Honor Beauty Everything you want Play with a mask to hide the truth People cheat each other right Is this really true x 6

We all lie tell you the truths sometimes we laugh and easily lie Alright it's a it's faker Shout it out What you want for the world Money Honor Beauty Everything you want Play with a mask to hide the truth People cheat each other right

Run away with me It'll be the way you want it Is this really true Is this really true

Run away with me It'll be the way you want it Is this really true Is this really true

We all lie tell you the truths Shout it out What you want for the world Money Honor Beauty Everything you want Play with a mask to hide the truth People cheat each other right People cheat each other right

Have a fantastic day, singing 'We all lie'!!!


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Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Mar 03, 2019

I totally LOVE SKY castle! My fav is the tutor, LOL!!!!! We all lie was so good that I made it as my ringtone!


Feb 25, 2019

Thanks for the lyrics!! Have a nice day :)


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