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What about having a pet?

Updated: Jul 13, 2019

Hellooooo! It's Lena here! If you guys didn't know, I have a puppy named Beany, (his name is suppose to be related to a " bean"because he looks like a literal bean LOL) that is mixed multis and poodle. Anyway, pets are animals you can take care of, and while being with Beany, I found many advantages and benefits. Having a pet can be great because they give SO much company and they are actually pretty useful.

Starting off, they give you so much company. There are always days where you get depressed about something, or feel like your head is going to EXPLODE because you are stressed or sad about something. But pets such as dogs, always are able to cheer you up because they somehow show a bright happy face and that always makes me, at least very blissful. They make a joyful cheerful companion and without them, you could be depressed for your WHOLE LIFE! Having a pet cheering you up is the same feeling as if someone is saying " Don't be sad! Happiness is better!! Cheer up!" which is something you want to at least FEEL at that situation.

Secondly, there are useful and helpful. Unless you use indoor bathrooms for your pets, it is common to walk them out, and this gives you EXERCISE which is awesome for your health. Not only are they a good partner, but they are extremely helpful and this can e beneficial for people who are lazy. They are basically your exercise machine which can change your health status.

In conclusion, they can give you company when you feel sad or lonely, and they give useful exercise. Why not think about getting one??

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L E N A❤️️
L E N A❤️️
Jul 13, 2019

Okay,I will add a picture!!


Patrick Burbine
Patrick Burbine
Jul 12, 2019

No Beany picture!? Foul ball.


L E N A❤️️
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Jul 10, 2019

Did you guys know Cameron from Disney died??

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